Denis Cenusa
Denis Cenusa is a political scientist who currently works as Researcher at the Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Justus-Liebig-Universität (Germany). He is conducting his PhD research at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen (Germany) studying the EU’s impact on “state resilience” in Eastern Europe, with a particular focus on Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.
Denis has an affiliation to “Expert-Grup” Think-tank in Moldova, where he coordinates the Energy Security Department and is national team co-coordinator of the project, led by Center for European Policy Studies - “Understanding the Association Agreements between the EU and Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia”. Since 2015, Denis has published more than 200 analytical bi-weekly articles for “Info-Prim” News Agency in Moldova.
Between 2016-2019, he belonged to the coordinating team that drafted the Eastern Partnership Index.
Over the last 10 years, Denis authored and co-authored numerous analytical articles, research papers, and policy-oriented studies.
He has built his expertise in the following fields: good governance and reform monitoring, European integration process in Eastern Partnership, energy security and visa policy regime in Eastern Europe. Denis has developed secure networks with the EU institutions and the expert and civil society representatives from Eastern Europe.
Together with Michael Emerson from CEPS Brussels, Denis co-edited the two editions of “Deepening EU-Moldova relations: What, Why and How?”, published in 2016 and 2018. Another book that he co-edited with a team of others led by Steven Blockmans is: “The Struggle for Good Governance in Eastern Europe”. He obtained a Master diploma in European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe Natolin (2013).
Previously, he graduated from the State University of Moldova, where he conducted MA studies in Political Science (2007). In 2014, Denis graduated from the Advanced Program on EU Law and Economics at Riga Graduate School of Law.