Anthony Davies
Anthony Davies, currently an environmental management and sundry service consultant based in Freetown Sierra Leone. He offers a wide range of tailored environmental services to agencies and companies such as, mining, oil and gas, transport and a host of others whose operations affect the environment. His goal is working to better preserve, protect and promote the environment.
He has in ecology and conservation, other certificates and knowledge includes; solar energy installation skill, Iso, 9001, 14001 and 19001. Specialized in ESIA studies. Transboundary Impact Diagnostic studies. Social Impact Assessment. Environmentl Monitoring and Report. Anthony has been the lead environmental consultants for British, American, Canadian, Russia, European and Chinese companies established, for natural resource extraction, R.E- generation and infrastructural development in Sierra Leone.
He has over 20 years of working experience in environmental and social management plans and programs by these, he has helped his clients to maintain remarkable records of compliance obligations, helped them to integrate EIA and EMPs as a management tools for project sustainability. He serves as the principle O.H.E.S consultant for the Milla Group of Companies SL. The Danswani Investment SL. CCECC Atlantic Estate in SL and Regional consultant in the Mao/ Makona and Mano River basins and UNIDO SL local environmental expert on R.E projects and training facilitator. Member of conservation society of Sierra Leone and an accredited environmentl management consultant of the environment protection agency of Sierra Leone.
He is an experienced Social impact consultant and assists clients to execute sustainable community development action plans projects.
Anthony conducted studies on development challenges of the Mano River Basins and Challenges of mining and energy exploitation and its impacts on the rural communities in the Mano River countries and challenges ahead and over 47 EIA studies in the past 7 years both in SierraLeone and the West Africa sub-region.
He has successfully executed contracts and tasks for local, international companies and agencies such as IUCN-GEF funded studies in-depth transboundary Diagnostics, UNIDO-SL and GEF funded skill training programs. GEF funded Eco-tourism and Eco-lodge project for Sierra Leone National tourist Board, Resources person in several local and international workshops.
Recognized widely for his working experience as local liaison person to foreign consultants and consulting firms in Europe, India, Nepal and West Africa. He have worked for reputable organizations such as UNIDO SL, IUCN, and Mano River Union and in association with partners executed contracts for World Bank Sierra Leone. Worked on some GEF Funded Project in Sierra Leone and West Africa sub-region.
He is committed to empowering existing entrepreneurs by teaching and at the same time transferring entrepreneur skills to potential entrepreneurs. Development of business plans and business models for entrepreneurs. He possess strong ability to see and acts on opportunities that will empower the less privileges and improve national economy.