Alexandra Sabou
Advocacy and Eastern Partnership Index Manager | Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
Advocacy and Eastern Partnership Index Manager | Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
Alexandra Sabou is a dedicated professional with experience in EU affairs, specialized in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region.
Alexandra Sabou is a dedicated professional with experience in EU affairs, specialized in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region.
She is currently based in Brussels leading the advocacy and project management efforts for the new 2023 edition of the Eastern Partnership Index - a unique data-driven civil society produced publication of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.
She is currently based in Brussels leading the advocacy and project management efforts for the new 2023 edition of the Eastern Partnership Index - a unique data-driven civil society produced publication of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.
Before joining the EaP CSF, she worked for the European Parliament’s Directorate for External Relations, on EaP policy and Russia.
Before joining the EaP CSF, she worked for the European Parliament’s Directorate for External Relations, on EaP policy and Russia.
She is committed to enhancing regional collaboration and empowering civil society across the EaP region and beyond.
She is committed to enhancing regional collaboration and empowering civil society across the EaP region and beyond.