Our news

The core group of the Moldova4EU Diaspora Task Force have e-met for the first time since the creation of the Platform

August 11, 2022 The core group of the Moldova4EU Diaspora Task Force have e-met for the first time, in order to discuss various aspects of the newly established platform. The platform aims to bring highly skilled Moldovan diaspora members closer to the EU integration efforts of the Republic of Moldova, particularly given the country’s candidate status. Specifically, the Task Force aims to support with experience, expertise, knowledge sharing & knowledge transfer institutions back home, tasked with the reforms’ agenda. More details about the meeting can be accessed from here.

UNECE Roadmap on Innovation and TechTransfer of Moldova: Focus Group 2- Diaspora

On August 4th, Focus Group 3: ‘Diaspora’ was organized by the Ministry of Education and Research (MER), in the context of UNECE Roadmap on Innovation and TechTransfer of Moldova.

The main objective of the focus group meeting is to identify enablers and barriers that may support or prevent the goals from being reached. The event aimed to discuss appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure each goal. The outcome of the meeting will be an action plan for the MER that will enable each goal to be realistically and measurably achieved over the next 2-3 years.

Diaspora_NET: Final Conference in Chisinau

On July 26th, 2022 IRI (International Republican Institute) organised a Diaspora_NET: Final Conference event in Chisinau. By coincidence, 3 members of our Task Force happen to be at the event: Veronica, Valeriu and Natalia.

The event aimed to conclude an IRI project and share with participants back home and with those following remotely, in the Diaspora, about platforms which have been established by Diaspora members throughout the past years.

Some of these platforms have been supported through small grants by IRI; while others - like our Task Force, had the opportunity to share the conceptual framework of our Task Force and what can we provide. Veronica made a presentation during the Session 2 of the event.

While we are still in the co-creation phase as a platform, there is interest from Moldovan stakeholders in the knowledge transfer we can support with.